📄️ Annotations & Styling
QuickPose provides high definition annotations at a minimal performance cost.
📄️ Biomechanics
QuickPose accelerates development of biomechanics for sporting and fitness applications.
📄️ Creating Videos
QuickPose supports creating three types of output video:
🗃️ Exercises
17 items
📄️ Feedback
QuickPose provides human readable feedback to correct a user's posture:
📄️ High Performance
For a smooth video experience, we suggest increasing the framerate above the default of 30. This is especially important for high speed fitness or sports use cases.
📄️ Inside Box
Captures whether a user's body or joints are inside a set visual region on the camera.
📄️ Landmarks
Returns coordinates for each part of the body as identified by the AI. QuickPose returns body, face and hand landmarks.
📄️ Orientation Switching
QuickPose landmark tracking is orientation independent as demonstrated with the whole body overlay below
📄️ Post Processing
QuickPose provides both real-time and lag-free post processing of existing videos. Post processing is required when the features you want cannot be applied by the device in real time, for example 4k 240fps, or when lag of real time processing impacts the results say in high performance sports.
📄️ Raised Fingers
Captures the raised fingers as user input whilst the user is stood back from the phone. This feature is expected to be used for capturing small numeric values, e.g.: rate your experience from 1 to 5.
🗃️ Range of Motion
5 items
📄️ Thumbs Up
Captures a 'thumbs up' hand gesture as user input whilst the user is stood back from the phone. This feature is expected to be used for confirming a user is ready to proceed.
📄️ Yoga Custom Exercises
Detect if the user is in the correct yoga pose, such as Downward Dog or Warrior pose