Integrate into your iOS app
Register an SDK Key
Get your free SDK key on, usage limits may apply. SDK Keys are linked to your bundle ID, please check Key before distributing to the App Store.
Installing the SDK
Swift Package Manager
Step 1: Click on Xcode project file
Step 2: Click on Swift Packages and click on the plus to add a package
Step 3: Enter the following repository url
and click next
Step 4: Choose all modules and click add package.
Module | Description |
QuickPoseCore | Core SDK (required) |
QuickPoseMP | Mediapipe Library with all models (one QuickPoseMP variant is required) |
QuickPoseMP-lite | Mediapipe Lite Library |
QuickPoseMP-full | Mediapipe Full Library |
QuickPoseMP-heavy | Mediapipe Heavy Library |
QuickPoseCamera | Utility Class for Integration (optional, recommended) |
QuickPoseSwiftUI | Utility Classes for SwiftUI Integration (optional, recommended) |
Step 1: Open your project's Podfile
Step 2: Add your pod file dependencies:
pod 'QuickPoseCore', :git => ''
pod 'QuickPoseCamera', :git => ''
pod 'QuickPoseSwiftUI', :git => ''
Module | Description |
QuickPoseCore | Includes Core SDK and Mediapipe Library (required) |
QuickPoseCamera | Utility Class for Integration (optional, recommended) |
QuickPoseSwiftUI | Utility Classes for SwiftUI Integration (optional, recommended) |
Step 3: Run pod update
from the command line
Add Camera Permission
Apple requires app's using the camera to provide a reason when prompting the user, and will not allow camera access without this set.
Privacy - Camera Usage Description | "We use your camera to <USE CASE>"
Add this to your app's info.plist or if a newer project under 'Info' tab on your project settings:
Add Camera Permissions Check To Main App
Next, you have to explicitly request access to the camera, which will provide the Apple standard camera permission prompt. This is only a demo implementation, as you'd typically want to give the user an idea of what your app does first and why camera permissions help them.
import SwiftUI
import AVFoundation
struct DemoApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct DemoAppView: View {
@State var cameraPermissionGranted = false
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
if cameraPermissionGranted {
}.onAppear {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { accessGranted in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.cameraPermissionGranted = accessGranted
Attach SDK to Views
This is our standard boilerplate implentation providing:
- A fullscreen camera display.
- An overlay showing the AI user's landmarks.
- Minimal reloading of SwiftUI view's for high performance
- Orientation changes for Portrait or Landscape.
- Sensible memory releasing when the view is no longer visible.
import SwiftUI
import QuickPoseCore
import QuickPoseSwiftUI
struct QuickPoseBasicView: View {
private var quickPose = QuickPose(sdkKey: "YOUR SDK KEY HERE") // register for your free key at
@State private var overlayImage: UIImage?
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
QuickPoseCameraView(useFrontCamera: true, delegate: quickPose)
QuickPoseOverlayView(overlayImage: $overlayImage)
.frame(width: geometry.safeAreaInsets.leading + geometry.size.width + geometry.safeAreaInsets.trailing)
.onAppear {
quickPose.start(features: [.showPoints()], onFrame: { status, image, features, feedback, landmarks in
if case .success(_,_) = status {
overlayImage = image
} else {
overlayImage = nil
}.onDisappear {
Extracting Results
Next step is to extract results from QuickPose to use in your app. Adapt the code above, so that the feature returns a result, such as range of motion.
@State private var feature: QuickPose.Feature = .rangeOfMotion(.neck(clockwiseDirection: true))
To see the captured result, store a string of the value as a state variable.
@State private var featureText: String? = nil
And attach an overlay to our view displaying the string if set
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
QuickPoseCameraView(useFrontCamera: true, delegate: quickPose)
QuickPoseOverlayView(overlayImage: $overlayImage)
.overlay(alignment: .bottom) {
if let featureText = featureText {
Text("Captured result \(featureText)")
.font(.system(size: 26, weight: .semibold)).foregroundColor(.white)
And populate the feature text, by indexing the feature from the feature results dictionary.
quickPose.start(features: [feature], onFrame: { status, image, features, feedback, landmarks in
if case .success(_, _) = status {
overlayImage = image
if let features = features[feature] {
featureText = features.stringValue
} else {
featureText = nil